Mike Hunt is not comfortable being all over the internet
>> Saturday
I know it's childish and ranks just ahead of dick and fart jokes, but the fact that Milwaukee has a columnist named Mike Hunt is a constant tease to write about it, er, him. (It's been done before, with hilarious results) And the fact that he looks like an oversized hobbit and speaks with all the elequence of a drunk groomsman giving a toast just makes it impossible to resist. We should have a Mike Hunt post at least once every other month, because...
He's at it again, as the Journal Sentinel actually decided to create a segmant called "Mike's Monologue" (after they threw out the initial title, "Mike Hunt's Hot Stream of Consciousness").
You know what? Just watch it. At least skip ahead to 3:08 where he starts going on about basketball intro music, complete with grainy soundclips in the background that almost drown his voice out. I swear, there's someone just off screen with a CD player. Talk about flashy presentation.
Some bullet points:
-Mike Hunt generally blames ESPN for poor free throw shooting
-Mike Hunt thinks Prince is too racy for the Superbowl
-Mike Hunt thinks U2 is too preachy for...well, Mike Hunt just doesn't like them
You sure it wasn't "Mike Hunt's Vaginal Discharge of Sports Opinions?" I mean, I can understand why they'd reject either of those. It just seems to unnecessarily play into the suggestiveness of his name.
Mike Hunt's Vaginal Discharge of Sports Opinions actually sums up the content of his show/ideas pretty well.
Mike Hunt smells.
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