What Joe Morgan might have to say about this
>> Tuesday
"I don't need some computer program or statistical evidence telling me how the temperature has changed. Unless you've been there, unless you were around in 1901, unless you planted a gigantically long measuring rod in the ocean floor, you can't teach me anything about climate changes. I know plenty of people who were around sixty, seventy, even eighty years ago who don't feel any hotter than they did back then. I don't see how someone can call themselves an expert in climate change when they were never even there themselves. You'd have to have been there in 1901 and able to perceive a 1.2-degree temperature difference to teach me anything about climate."
P.S.: Apologies to FJM for stealing their material.
P.P.S.: For fifty points: Can you guess which YCS member (as of last spring) used the meaningless conservative buzz-term "junk science" in regard to global warming?
Oooh! Oooh! I know! I know!
I'm not a YCS member, but I think I have used that term once or twice.
Take that, Weather Channel.
Was it Carl Everett?
No, Carl Everett is more concerned with stamping out the misconceptions that A: Dinosaurs existed and B: the earth is older than like 5,000 years. Both aren't true.
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