Demand variety! Join the fight! Boycott Yankees-Red Sox!
>> Wednesday
I am a baseball fan. I love baseball. I love just about anything related to or resembling baseball. Normally, I can sit and watch any game involving nine players a side, some kind of bat (or broomhandle or tree limb or prosthetic leg, a la Lenny on The Simpsons... or anything else bat-like), and a small, roughly spherical object and be happily entertained. Shit, I could watch two teams of Catholic nuns play stickball with a fish head in quick sand and... Well whatever, I think I've done enough exaggerating for effect.
But goshdarn, if I watch another ESPN Yankees-Red Sox broadcast this season, it just might be my last... you know, because I'd stop watching them. (Whoa, chill out, dude, I'm not gonna do something crazy.) It's just... too damned many.... too much hype... too much east coast-edness. I mean, is a Rockies-D'Backs game too much to ask for?!Well instead of getting angry about it, I decided to take action. So if all of you in YCSNation will join me, for this Sunday night, I'm proposing a one-week boycott of ESPN's S
unday Night Baseball. And to prove I mean business, I've already taken written action... by making a tongue-in-cheek internet petition!
So if all of you will indulge me, please sign our petition. If we all band together, I bet we could have ten, maybe twenty signatures in no time!
Come on YCSNation--fight the power!
P.S.: Don't ask me to explain why each paragraph in the petition is spaced a mile apart. That just happened. I'm also aware that there's a typo or two in there, but you can't edit it, so shut up.
Woo-hoo! Now thirteen hours since the petition has gone live, we're up to 2 signatures! ...including myself!
This movement is clearly exploding.
That 2nd is me, and I can't watch anyway because I don't have cable. Don't get your hopes up.
The fourth would be mine, and I can't remember the last time I watched Sunday Night Baseball for a non-Sox game.
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