Get to da Soccah?
>> Wednesday
California Governor Arnold Schwarzeneggar has joined the bid committee seeking to bring the 2018 or 2022 FIFA World Cup to the United States.
Californian venues hosted games in the 1994 World Cup, and 1999 and 2003 Womens' World Cups, and at least one Californian venue is expected to be included in the 10-12 stadium US bid.
Said Schwarzeneggar, "Soccah is tha wulds most papulah spoat und Kowlifornya has bin hom to some uv its moast eggziting gayims, unt I yam pwowd tuh be ah paht oof bringing tha Wuld Kahp bahk to theh Yoonited Statehs. Theh millyens oof fans from arauhnd de glohbe thaht will travel to ze Yoonited Statehs to cheah theah teams will pwoove a great benfit fo ouah stayte, ouah nation, ahndze wuld oof soccah."
Schwarzeneggar is believed to have meant, "Soccer is the world's most popular sport and California has been home to some of its most exciting games, and I am proud to be a part of bringing the World Cup back to the United States. The millions of fans from around the globe that will travel to the United States to cheer their teams will prove a great benefit for our state, our nation and the world of soccer."
I taike dee cigah owt oof my mowth... tuhn to dee cahmruh und say: Cawnah keeck!
...Zhingle awl dee vay!
The Guv'nah then stopped suddenly in the middle of the press conference and yelled "JOHN CONNAH!!!" before running off down the street, sporadically firing a 12-gauge shotgun into the air. Passersby were, to say the least, confused.
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