ShamWow Dude's Beatdown
>> Tuesday
Not sure if this is yellow-chair-sports material (who are we kidding?), but the ShamWow dude Vince Shlomi recently got into a brouhaha with a local lady of the night. The best part of this article is that Shlomi invited the hooker for "straight sex" at an introductory rate of $1,000. Things were going pleasantly (I'm sure, wink wink) until he he did a big no no! If we have learned anything from Julia Roberts, it is that you never kiss a hooker on the mouth.
Dude looks like David Bowie in that article.
As great a story as this is, it's made better by the flippant manner the story's written in. Never have I seen a news story with so many jokes about a beaten prostitute. Well, except for YCS....
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