A Message From the Marquette Family
>> Wednesday
Continuing today's theme of classy posts, here would be a message to St. Anthony's coach Bob Hurley from the Marquette family:
Go Fuck Yourself
Motivation for said message:
The truth about Bob Hurley
Yeah, we don't need a classless dickwad in our Program anyways!
The shame of all this would be that Taylor himself would be a good kid caught between a struggle with his egotistical coach who wants to use the bully pulpit and Marquette who would just be following the rules by waiting for Taylor and his parent/guardian to ask for the release himself.
Yeah, I almost wish that car accident... On second thought, no. Not cool.
Yeah, Vin's right. Since when did Bobby Hurley become such an asshole? Maybe Coach K rubbed off on him. Bobby acts all cool and stuff just because he was a hot-shot point guard at Duke. Oh yeah, well, big deal buddy.
Bob Hurley, the asshole in reference here, would actually be the father of Bobby Hurley (the first in a long line of giant Duke douches). Basically, the old saying the apple does not fall from the tree would be very true here. Also, on Vinnie's thoughts, I do not wish ill will on anyone but morons who do not wear a seat belt deserve whatever injuries may happen to them.
Aren't there rules aginst this kind of thing. It looks like Mr. Hurley is conduting a semear campain aginst Marquette.
Unfortunately, nothing illegal went on during this scenario (whenever there's any kind of movement/potential movement, coaches will always contact intermediaries like Hurley or a kid's AAU coach to gauge what may happen). Unethical maybe, but ethics would basically bygone in major college sports. Now, reports have surfaced that Marquette had an agreement with Nick Williams that he would be immediately released if Crean left. However, there had been no such agreement in place for Taylor. Now, an underlying scummy aspect of this would Crean's apparent insistence to Taylor that James would be gone after the season so that the point guard spot next year would basically be his (in hindsight, I'll gladly trade Crean leaving for a classy kid like James still being involved with the Marquette program). In the end, I will be glad if Tom Crean, Bob Hurley, and anyone from the Indiana or St. Anthony's program would never be associated with the Marquette program again.
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