About YCS
>> Sunday
If you're reading this, it means you're at least somewhat interested in what Yellow Chair Sports is all about. You're either interested in our motives or - the more likely possibility - you're wondering what the hell the point of all this garbage is.
Who are you clowns?
Basically, we're just a bunch of dudes that went to college together and became friends out of a mutual love for sports (and cheap, delicious beer). The blog is just a fancy technological extension of a few nights of our drunken, and often heated arguments about sports. It became a blog around the time that we graduated, a way for us to keep up the pointless banter and stay connected after college. We were heavily influenced by the irreplacable work of the guys at Fire Joe Morgan, who are basically our inspiration for the way we do what we do. Thus far, it's been great. We've had way more people read it than I ever expected and to date it's still serving its purpose as a platform for us to stay in touch and keep fighting.
What makes you qualified to write authoritatively (and, let's be honest, pompously) about sports? You fancy yourself an expert, college boy?
Well, like most members of the blogosphere, nothin' really. Most of us have played sports for a majority of our lives up through high school, but nothing big time. We're not employed in any meaningful capacity in either sports or journalism, either. We just really like sports, and dedicate a big part of our nerdy, sexless lives to becoming as knowledgable about our favorite games as we possibly can (not entirely true about the sexless part. Okay, mostly true.). We're big fans of open debate and heated argument, so we try to put together the facts and see what comes out.
What's your goal? Are you trying to go after the big, evil mainstream media or some lame hippie crap like that? Yeah, you probably are. Pussies.
If there's a common theme as to why we do this, I guess it's that none of us are particularly fond of the typical reactionary, sports-talk radio-style fandom of your average Joe, and we're just looking for a little bit more of a pragmatic approach to looking at the games. We're not saying we appreciate the game on a higher level than your average fan, but we're always trying to. We're still hardcore fans open to as much irrational passion and faith in our team as the next guy, but we're likely to be well aware of our faults when taking up an indefensible position about our favorite team.
Also, we're not real big fans of ESPN. Some of us live in a small sports market, which doesn't bode well for our opinion of the Worldwide Leader. Most of all, as Vinnie puts it, we don't like the whole Disney Sports empire. While they have some good writers and personalities (like friend of YCS Keith Law!), on the whole it tends to be a shallow, self-promoting and condescending way to cover and analyze sports for the average fan, and that's not what we're about. Now, we're not naive enough to think we can challenge the way they do business or compete for readers, we're just here to entertain ourselves and offer an alternative to whomever tends to care (our assumption: nobody cares).
One last thing - male athletes are males. Males, in general, like to get hammered, chase tail, and occasionally attempt to dance poorly while undertaking activities one and two. And although we're a blog, you will very rarely, if ever, find us breaking a story with some juicy piece of gossip intended to attract readers. We are extremely disinterested in the personal lives of athletes, so you're not going to find cell phone pictures of anyone (besides lovable drunk and YCS hero Kyle Orton and possibly the drunken staff of YCS themselves) in a bar dancing with assorted skanks at their side on this site. Athletes are people, they have a private life, and insofar as it doesn't directly affect who and what they are on the field, we respect that.
If you've got any burning questions for anyone on the staff or a burning sensation when you urinate (here, apply this balm!), feel free to email us. The link is on the right hand side. We like hearing from people who like and hate us. If you want us to link your blog, we'll probably do that too.